Information for CBSE


Whether NOC  from State/UT :

  • NOC No : NO.EDA-106/99-2000   
    Dated , Itanagar, the 23/10/2007
  • NOC issuing date : 23/10/2007
2.Is the school  recognised?

Yes, Directorate of Education, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh

3.Status of affiliation : Provisional
  • Affiliation No : 2230054
  • Affiliation with the Board : since 2010
  • Extn of affiliation upto : 2014

Name of Trust/Society Reg under sec 25 : Essomi Foundation (EF)

Period up to which Registration is valid : till it gets cancelled

4.List of Members of school Managing Committee :
01Sri.Akene LinggiPresidentBusinessMayu-1,Roing P.O. LDValley Dt (Ar.Pr) 
02Mrs Jyoti LinggiSecretary  Social WorkerMayu-1,Roing P.O. LDValley Dt (Ar.Pr) 
03Sri.Bharat LinggiJt. Secretary  Social WorkerMayu-1,Roing P.O. LDValley Dt (Ar.Pr) 
04Sri.S.V.NamboodiriMember SecretaryPrincipal,IPSIPS, Roing P.O.LDV Ar.Pradesh 
05Sri.R.P.TiwariMember (Teacher)Vice PrincipalMayu-1,Roing P.O. LDValley Dt (Ar.Pr) 
06Sri.Jayanta BoraMember (Teacher)ServiceIPS, Roing P.O.LDV Ar.Pradesh 
07Mrs.Khunju MegaMember (Parent)BusinessCheta-I, Roing P.O LDV Dt Ar.Pr 
08Dr.Oken MegaMemberMed.Practitioner  
11Mr.Razzeko DelleyMemberLecturerMayu-1,Roing P.O. LDValley Dt (Ar.Pr) 
12Mr.  LegoMember EducationistDDSE, Lower Dibang ValleyOffice of DDSE,LDV Dt,Roing 
13Mr.Abu SaringMember EducationistADEO EducationistOffice of DDSE,LDV Dt,Roing 
14Mr.B.R.DasMember EducationistLecturer,DIETDIET, Roing P.O.  LDV Dt 
15Mrs.Hemalatha DeviMember (Woman)ServiceIPS, Roing P.O.LDV Ar.Pradesh 
16Sri.Murali MendaMember (Parent)BusinessEzengo Village Roing P.O. 
5. Name of the President/Chairman :

Shri Akene Linggi


6. Area of the school campus :
  1. In Acres : 20.13 Acres (8.146 Hectare)
  2. In Sq. mtrs : 81460m2
  3. Built up Area :  1292.20m2
  4. Area of play ground :17400m2
  5. Other facilities

(i)Swimming pool :Nil

(ii)Indoor games :nil

(iii)Dance rooms :nil

(iv)Gymnasium :nil

(v)Music rooms :nil

(vi)Hostels :Hostels for boys, Girls (Separate locations)

(vii)Health & Medical checkup: Weekly visit of Medical Officer .

7. Details of fee structure :
  1. Pre nursery : nil
  2. Nursery : Rs 7,500
  3. I to V : Rs 8,500
  4. VI to VIII : Rs 10,000
  5. IX, X : Rs 13,000
  6. XI,XII : Rs 18,000
8. Transport facility :
  1. Own buses :Own Buses 2( Nos)
  2. Buses hired on contract basis;Nil
  3. Details of transport charges:
With in 1kmWith in 2kmWith in 3 kmBeyond 3km
Rs 450/monthRs 600/monthRs 750/monthRs 900/month
9. Particulars of teaching staff(to be updated time to time):
Sl. NoNameDesignationDate of BirthDate of appointmentTrained/ UntrainedProbationary/ confirmed
2RAM PRASAD TIWARIVice Principal15/04/19801/6/2003TrainedConfirmed
3Mrs ARCHANA KUMARIJ/T20/06/19701/7/2004TrainedConfirmed
4Mrs HEMALATHA DEVI K NJ/T25/05/19591/6/2009TrainedConfirmed
5ASUTOSH RAM TRIPATHISenior Teacher1/7/19845/7/2010UntrainedConfirmed
6ROSHAN GURUNGSenior Teacher14/07/19854/6/2012TrainedConfirmed
7R.C. DHAKASenior Teacher3/8/195212/7/2011TrainedConfirmed
8R N DUBEYSenior Teacher1/1/19537/1/2013TrainedConfirmed
9Miss MUMNA PERTINSenior Teacher10/11/198817/09/2012Trainedprobation
10CASH LINGGIJ/T6/7/198821/05/2012Untrainedprobation
11Miss BHARATI SUBBA Senior Teacher26/08/198817/06/2013Trainedprobation
12SETE LAMAPrimary teacher1/1/19857/6/2012Untrainedprobation
13Mrs RUMI PANDITPrimary teacher21/04/19737/6/2012TrainedConfirmed
14Mrs SADHANA TIWARIPrimary teacher5/8/198016/05/2012Untrainedprobation
15SABIR AHMEDComputer teacher3/8/198615/05/2012Untrainedprobation
16JAYANTA BORAHPhysical edn teacher1/1/19711/6/2006TrainedConfirmed
17Miss LAXMI BISWAKARMAPrimary teacher14/10/198515/07/2013Trainedprobation
18Mrs ANJALI BORAH MEDHIPrimary teacher10/2/19821/7/2013Trainedprobation
19Miss BASANTI MEPOCraft teacher2/10/198427/08/2012Untrainedprobation
20Mrs SEEMA MENAMusic teacher26/01/19853/6/2013Untrainedprobation
10. Details of salaries being paid by the school to teaching staff/ non teaching staff(to be updated time to time) :
DesignationScale of payGrade pay% of DAHRAEPF Contri
Vice Principal9000-350-12500nil 70%6%12%
Phy Edn/Comp6000-150-7500Nil70%6%12%
Office Asst6000-150-7500Nil70%6%12%
Gr IV Staff (Skilled)5000-100-6000Nil70%6%12%
Gr IV Staff (Unskilled)3000-75-4500Nil70%6%12%
11. Mode of payment of salary : 

(i)Name of the bank through which salary is drawing :Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative  Apex Bank Ltd, Roing Branch

(ii)Through single cheque transfer advice :Single cheque

(iii)Individual cheque :No

(iv)Cash :No

12. Library facilities :
  1. Size of the library :109.8m2
  2. No:of periodicals :15
  3. No:of dailies :10
  4. No: of reference books (class wise) :S/Secondary:(34), Sec(68) Primary(53) Nursery (36)
  5. No of Magazine :8
  6. Others :5511 other library books
13. Name of the Grievance re-dressal  officer with E-mail, Fax      :

Ms.Lomi Linggi;Ph(M)9862162500

Ph.No/ E-mail

14. Members of the sexual harassment committee :
  1. Ms.Momi Linggi
  2. Mrs.S.l.Panickar
  3. Ms.Basanti Mepo
  4. Ms.Lomi Linggi
15. Section-wise enrolment of school for the current session
16. Academic session :

from 1st June to 31st March

17. Vacation period :

from 1st april to 16th May

18. Admission Period :

from March to June